Posted on: 06-06-2014
The Holy Bible has described at least 6 incidents of Rapture. Today this concept is considered to be very new to the world, but if we deeply examine the Holy Bible under the guidance of Holy Spirit. We will be startle to see the incidents recorded in the old and new testaments. First was Enoch who was carried up, second was Elijah who was taken in Fire Chariot, third Saints resurrected and ascended to heaven in Matthew 27, fourth Lord JESUS Christ himself, and fifth is from twelve thousand each from twelve tribes of Israel i.e. 1, 44,000, and sixth is unnumbered multitude of gentiles, i.e. we who are going to be part of the body of CHRIST. Isn’t it wonderful and marvellous, that when our Master Jesus Christ will descend from heaven with sound of trumpet, to take his people with him into eternal abode of heaven. Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, even he knows that we will regret if we see our all relatives in trouble on the face of the earth. If we remember Abraham brother lot, in book of Genesis. Angels’ of GOD were literally dragging Lot along with his family. It was happening because of the prayerful request of his brother Abraham to spare the city if only ten righteousness people which was not available in the sinful city of Sodom and Gomorrah. Later we see resurrection of Lazarus, because of faith witnessed by Martha and Mary. There was a man called Nehemiah in Israel who wept and mourned with fasting and prayer before the GOD of heaven. So have you started to think seriously not only about your relationship but also of dear ones with GOD of heaven in Jesus Christ thorough the counsel, help and intercession of Holy Spirit? If not please start to weep and mourn before GOD of heaven, because once the rapture happens the Holy Spirit, the righteous people salt and light of the world will not be found any more on the face of earth. Darkness, devastation and despair will hit the people alive on the face of earth. They will look for death, but will not found it. A very dangerous, traumatic beginning is about to appear on the face of earth. So are we ALIVE in PRAYERS’? GOD BLESSES IN CHRIST. AMEN.
By: Dr. Shine David