Posted on: 13-08-2015

It is urgent and important need for every believer of Jesus Christ to be constantly washed in the blood of Lord Jesus Christ. Our enemy Satan is very crafty and deceiving in nature, he never misses a single opportunity to destroy the faith of believer. One single foolish act will lead to devastation. How to cover up our faith? Call unto the author of FAITH; ask for forgiveness in HIS precious blood every day to be found in HIM. In book of exodus, Aaron was instructed to put on holy garments, anoint and sanctify him, so that he minister before the living God. We all have same duty before Lord Jesus Christ as AARON. We are all ambassadors of Lord Jesus Christ in this world, moving like a lamp in darkness of the world. We need to guard our light, by constantly putting the oil of HOLY SPIRIT in our lamp. Before the lamp we need to have holy garments which are obtained by washing ourselves from our sins by sincerely confessing and feeling sorry for it in front of our Master Lord Jesus Christ. We put on holy garments by asking for forgiveness for our sins by forgiving those who sin against us in any manner. We often are concerned with first part and ignoring second part of forgiving others. This condition is dangerous trap for our faith in Christ. We need to check and rectify ourselves, in case of our fault be agile in rectifying it. Once we update ourselves in realm of forgiveness, we can move to next realm of anointing with breaking bondage of yoke from our lives, and also for who are surrounding us. It leads to step of victory in Christ Jesus. We need to maintain this state of victory in Christ by nourishing ourselves with holy living word and anoint of Holy Spirit. We need to ask for help and guidance of Holy Spirit at every moment. We cannot take the risk of grieving the sweet gentle Holy Spirit, because it is not power, nor by might, but my spirit says the Lord. Everyday learn to kill your selves and glorify Jesus Christ thorough small steps of FAITH under the guidance of Holy Spirit. The more you rely on Holy Spirit, not on your understanding, stronger will be faith in Christ. Your adversary Satan cannot withstand Holy Spirit at any cost, nor his legion of darkness. Remember Apostle PAUL taught us : “TO DIE IS BENEFICAL and LIVE IS JESUS CHRIST ONLY” YESHUA HA MASIHAH is COMING soon! HALLELUIAH!

By: Dr. Shine David