Posted on: 01-04-2016

Mankind is caught in strange conflict between thoughts and emotional illusions regarding perception of GOD. To experience the perception of living GOD, we need to humbly submit and accept HIS supremacy in every area of our life which is manifested thorough HIS son Jesus Christ. Relationship with Living GOD is more important than religion to survive in current globalized world. We are living in transforming generation where old believers are finding hard to maintain their obedience with Living God Jesus Christ on the other hand we have new generation they are ready to lay down their lives without any guilt for manifesting their faith in Living God Jesus Christ.

Master has already told us “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, (Luke 12:35)”.  Be ready in anointing of Holy Spirit to witness Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived with the 3 things warned by Master Jesus Christ.  “But give attention to yourselves, for fear that your hearts become over-full of the pleasures of food and wine, and the cares of this life, and that day may come on you suddenly, and take you as in a net: (Luke 21:34)”

Does this lead to introspection for a believer? The answer is found in living word of GOD, the preaching of Glorious, Radiant, everlasting GOSPEL of Jesus Christ has not changed since ages. The Book of Acts of Apostle vividly describes how the apostles moved out Jerusalem to ends of the world after receiving the baptism of Holy Spirit and facing persecution. Deny oneself daily, crucify your desires, thoughts and emotions on cross and follow Christ even to lose one’s life. Pray daily that everyday at least one person must witness Jesus Christ thorough your life, deeds and words.

But when Jesus saw, He was much displeased and said to them, allow the little children to come to Me and do not hinder them. For of such is the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:14). To Titus, my true child in our common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour. (Titus 1:4) We have to develop true children in common faith of Jesus Christ, do not hinder them and especially yourselves.



By: Dr. Shine David