
Posted on: 19-05-2017

They will live safely there, and they will build houses and plant vineyards. They will live securely when I have executed judgments on all those around them that treated them with contempt. So they will know that I am Adonai their God.” (Ezekiel 28:26)

Every person has many wishes in life, one of them is building own house. The Bible specifically lays down the foundation of building house. Yeshua Messiah is the foundation of every individual. Without the foundation of Adonai Yeshua, house for eternal life cannot be building a person. The foundation of Yeshua Messiah brings the forgiveness of sin thorough HIS precious blood, which further releases anointing of Ruach ha Kodesh. This anointing fills the person like refinement of gold done by gold smith. The gold smith ensures the refinement till the gold starts to reflect the image of gold smith, once this stage is achieved then the purification process is successfully completed.

The person's house is build, thereby providing prayer support to others with a faith in Adonai Yeshua Messiah. Anointing of Ruach ha Kodesh releases solutions to other persons, thereby planting vineyard for the Yeshua Messiah. The vineyard is protected and maintained with daily willful submission on oneself into the mighty hands of Lord Jesus Christ. This journey of walking with Adonai Yeshua Messiah gets transformed into a battle field. As an individual becomes more aware about the spiritual realm under the guidance of Ruach ha Kodesh, the more willful submission takes place in every day prayer life. This battle can be won on knees with faith in our commander Adonai Yeshua Messiah.

If we reject and disagree with the foundation, we are bound to be executed with Lucifer and fallen angels in to lake of fire. We have to make a choice today not only for ourselves but also for our family and loved ones. Please be clear about a single person i.e. Adonai Yeshua Messiah, he is author of our faith, salvation, healing, miracle, deliverance, peace, anointing is found in HIS name only.

Remember: and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead—Yeshua, the One delivering us from the coming wrath. (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

Take your decision today follow Lord Yeshua Messiah with faith and inherit blessings for your household!!! YESHUA HA MASIHACH is COMING soon! HALLELUIAH!

By: Dr. Shine David