Posted on: 22-03-2019
Technology is bringing about constant change in every dimension of human lives. This has made human life dependent upon the technology like never before. Despite its negative outcomes, it is considered to basic human requirement in human life. The new generation cannot imagine a day without technology gadgets. When it comes to Christian life, GOD – Technology which is essential for every Christian have communication with Lord Jesus Christ.
This GOD-Technology is present since the creation of this universe and especially mankind. Due to everlasting, unconditional love and unmerited favour of Lord Jesus Christ upon the mankind, this God – Technology is ready to help mankind, on the request of the mankind. There are two specific incidents recorded in the Holy Bible which depicts the intervention of GOD-Technology in human lives. First incident is recorded in the book of Genesis when the mankind was in process of building a tower in land of Shinar as given in Genesis chapter11.
GOD Technology introduced the confusion of language to protect the mankind from self-destruction. This event occurred after the great flood on earth where only NOAH and his family was left on the earth. This is known as Tower of Babel which means tower of confusion. Later in the New Testament, Lord Jesus Christ before his ascension to Heaven told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until you receive power to witness unto me both in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and all utter most part of the earth.
GOD –Technology i.e. “Holy Spirit” was poured upon the disciples in the upper room on the fiftieth day of Passover as mentioned in exodus chapter 12 and fulfilled by Lord Jesus Christ himself as the everlasting sacrifice for the sins of mankind to deliver freedom from bondage and slavery of sin which was introduced by Satan in Eden Garden. As the God Technology was poured mentioned in the book of Acts chapter 2, tongues of Fire appeared to the disciples and Holy Spirit given them utterance to proclaim boldly the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ.
As it is further recorded in letter of Apostle Paul to Christian fellowship in Corinth in his first letter chapter 14. One who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but one who prophesies builds up the community. (1 Corinthians 14:4)
Remember we have keep oil in our lamps to keep it burning till the Bridegroom appears on the clouds or till our last breadth. As it is written; “Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also get rid of every weight and entangling sin. Let us run with endurance the race set before us, focusing on Yeshua, the initiator and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame; and He has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)”
Yeshua ha Messiah is coming soon!!!
By: Dr. Shine David