Choose Whom Will You SERVE
Posted on: 04-04-2019
In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, Holy Spirit was hovering on surface on water. Further Creation was done by God spoken words. Words have power and authority as the Mankind is created in likeness and image of Living God. Mankind was the ruler of earth as ordained by God. Mankind transformed form Innocence to Shame due to disobedience to will to God due to deception of serpent. The outcome of deception lead stealing, slaughter and destruction of authority. Disobedience and trying to hide our sins is one of the biggest blunder which has lead the mankind to go on destruction pathway.
This destruction was interrupted due to unconditional love of God, by God himself. Let us understand this with meditating from few scriptures given in Holy Bible. In book of Genesis chapter 9. God blessed Noah and formed a covenant with Noah’s descendants. But the evil one played a wicked game with mankind, Noah a man of the soil, was first to plant a vineyard. He drank some of the wine, got drunk and was uncovered in his tent. Ham who was father of Canaan committed a sin of watching nakedness and told outside to his two brothers Shem, Japheth. This made curse fall upon Ham from his father Noah. It has been prophesied for Yeshua the messiah, the he will not bruise any reed.
Lord Jesus Christ came to save the sinner and condemn the sin which was introduced by the evil one i.e. Lucifer the fallen. Mankind did not understood yet they crucified him under the bondage of Sin although he was innocent, yet he offered himself as an everlasting sacrifice for us so that we may be saved.
The process begins with our acceptance as Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord of our life and gradually reading the Living Word of God cleanses us to become a broken vessel which is ready to be filled by treasure i.e. anointing of Holy Spirit. The anointing of Holy Spirit breaks the bondage of yoke form our lives. This leads to fulfillment of God’s plan in our life and also bring blessing for other people.
The harvest is prepared for the second coming of the lord i.e. Rapture when Lord Jesus Christ will come on the clouds for us i.e. all believers of Lord Jesus Christ. Our mortal body will be transformed into the immortal body within a twinkling of an eye. We will enter our heavenly abode along with our Master Jesus Christ. There will be no more pain, no sorrow and no grief, but sheer joy, love and peace in the presence of our Master Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember God is faithful to his covenant with mankind in Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. This will be witnessed on a single condition that we must confess our disobedience in front of our Master Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis and obey him under the direction of the Holy Spirit every day till our last breath of face of the earth.
Mankind individually has to take a decision today, I request Lord Jesus Christ to be on my Side or I do not request Lord Jesus Christ to be on my side. We are the Joshua Generation in the wonderful name of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Yeshua the Messiah is Coming Soon!!!
By: Dr. Shine David