Give Them Another Chance!

Posted on: 12-11-2011

“How often shall…I forgive him?” Mt 18:21 NKJV

When people are upset they say and do the wrong things. At that point it’s easy for you to become critical of them and arrive at the wrong conclusion. Slow down; ask God for patience and understanding. Don’t force others to live by their past while you expect yours to be forgotten. Whatever you sow in mercy you’ll reap a hundred times over. Everybody makes mistakes, so give them a chance to come back into the relationship with dignity. How long has it taken you to correct the mistakes in your life? Aren’t you still working on some of them? Aren’t you glad people don’t know the whole story of your struggles? So give people time. Give them an opportunity to explain themselves. They may not even know the right words at first, so be willing to listen a little longer. Jesus put up with Peter’s weaknesses because He knew what Peter would one day become. Interestingly, when someone upset Peter he came to Jesus and said: “‘How often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?’ Jesus said to him…‘Seventy times seven’” (Mt 18:21-22 NKJV). If they have a flicker of hope, fan that flame, don’t extinguish it. They don’t need a critic, they need a cheerleader.
Remember we have been forgiven by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST, which is the foundation of our salvation. We need to have the mind and body of Christ thorough HOLY SPIRIT.

Praise the Lord!

By: Dr. Shine David