Posted on: 19-03-2021

Attributes define an individual, Almighty, Omnipotent, Omniscient explained his attributes to his people ISRAEL- the chosen one. All the believers in the Lord Yeshua our Messiah- are ISRAEL. Let us meditate on Hosea chapter 11.
Living GOD brought his people from the slavery of Egypt, he healed them and provided food for them. But still, people are backsliding from me. But due to the agape love of GOD, GOD is not carrying heat of anger in his heart. God’s compassion has overcome the anger. GOD is not man, the holy one the sanctifier of mankind. GOD will make them walk after HIM through his grace and will place them in their houses.
But still, ISRAEL is deceitful. This is not only the story of ISRAEL but the entire humanity. We were in bondage brought out from freedom of slavery by living GOD i.e., Lord Yeshua our Messiah. Further, GOD healed our wounds, and provide us with spiritual food to nourish our soul. As HE is holy and not a man who denies his own word. Yet we have been unthankful to him, but due to HIS unconditional love, he is still waiting for us.
But dear brothers and sisters, a time of silence is coming as mentioned in the book of revelation.  Revelation 8:1 And when He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour.
This period of silence represents that GOD‘s grace is available for a limited period; which will expire soon. When the grace period expires, the judgment and wrath of living GOD will be released on mankind.
So remember always GOD is love, he is redeemer, our healer, our provider, our sanctifier, and our Judge.

Adonai Lord Yeshua our Messiah is coming Soon!

By: Dr. Shine David