Posted on: 28-07-2012

That he (LORD GOD) may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; (Job 33:17).

We often perceive that biggest and strongest condemnation we receive in life is from our friends, family, colleagues and our boss. This is our biggest mistake we make in our lives. The fallen angel (SATAN).  He dislikes the mankind, to the verge of making it detached and extinct from GOD. SATAN loves to put condemnation on MANKIND often and often because he knows that JUSTICE is a inherent quality of GOD. But on the other hand we often misunderstood GOD, because JUSTICE is one of the qualities, but MERCY is another quality which has made the way for us thorough accepting JESUS CHRIST. When we accept JESUS CHRIST, things do sometimes changes very quickly and sometimes not as per our anticipation. But we receive one Special Gift from Christ called the HOLY SPIRIT i.e. which is responsible of reminding about JESUS again and again in our lives. It develops a clear conscious in us, which make us children of light. But we are all like PETER who refuse JESUS three times before his suffering on CROSS. But when we have the gift of HOLY SPIRIT, it is like a fuel for our spiritual life, which kindles us. Our flame may get low, but it will not diminish, because as breath of life was given in nostril of Adam, same way breath of spiritual life is given by Holy Spirit. So become like those spinster who were called in wedding, who saved the fuel for the BRIDE i.e. JESUS CHRIST second coming on face of earth. Spend more time in reading word of GOD, no matter even if it is not going into your head, or you don't like reading it, but it is nourishment for our life, strength and joy for us and all around us.

Job because he kept his eyes focused on living GOD, despite all unpleasantness he had in his life due to sickness and heavy losses, being abandoned by his partner, children, family, relatives and friends. He could sustain the heavy blow of SATAN. God only contradicts us , but he never condemn us. God loves us and this is the reason why he sent his only begotten son  JESUS on the face of earth to save the mankind.

Remember always

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever"

God bless you with his mercy, peace and love in CHRIST!


By: Dr. Shine David