Video Gallery (YouTube)

Click on the title of video in the list below to watch the video.

Post DateYouTube ChannelByTitle
24-07-2020 Manna Prayer CellDr. Shine David Almighty God's Science
12-07-2020 Bible StudyDr. Lavina David Bible Study 5 (Hindi) Genesis 12 to 14
12-07-2020 Manna Prayer CellDr. Shine David Breakthrough is only through Adonai Yeshua our Messiah
11-07-2020 Manna Prayer CellSis. Lavina David Dharmikta - Bible ke anusar
06-07-2020 Manna Prayer CellDr. Shine David Mercy Triumphs over Judgement in Lord Yeshua our Messiah
04-07-2020 Bible StudyDr. Lavit Samson Bible Study - 4 (Hindi)
02-07-2020 Manna Prayer CellDr. Shine David Blood of Yeshua our Messiah
30-06-2020 Manna Prayer CellDr. Shine David Fruit of Mouth - a biblical perspective